BFE7D747C0E281FE34F2E02A9DBA5DC7 Mesut Ozil's Life and Career Journey in Football "The Best Ball Passing Skills" - Football Legend

Mesut Ozil's Life and Career Journey in Football "The Best Ball Passing Skills"

Mesut Ozil is a professional footballer who currently plays for the London Arsenal team. Ozil is known as one of the players who has the best ball passing skills. The passes that he sent were often used successfully by his teammates into goals.
 Mesut Ozil's Life and Career Journey in Football "The Best Ball Passing Skills"

Ozil, born on October 15, 1988, is the son of Mustafa Ozil and Gulizar Ozil's couple. Mesut Ozil comes from a Muslim family of Turkish descent. However, he has German nationality. In his childhood, the Ozil family was among the poor. For this reason his parents decided to migrate to Germany. But his fate in Germany is also not much different from when they were still living in Turkey. Ozil's parents work as industrial employees whose income is just enough to eat.

Worse yet, Germany also provides a boundary between indigenous people and immigrants. There was a considerable separation at that time. Immigrant settlements are characterized by various blocks that indicate poverty. Seeing that, Ozil did not remain silent. He wants to raise the level of his family. And through football, Ozil wants to achieve success.

He developed his football skills with friends at school. Their soccer club is called Soccer Monkey Cage. It's called Soccer Monkey Cage because their playing field is surrounded by a fence which is the boundary between the natives and immigrants.

Although living in Germany which is famous for a country rich in milk, Ozil can not enjoy these preparations. He is known to suffer from lactose intolerance. He will feel allergic symptoms such as bloating to diarrhea if consuming dairy products or those containing high lactose. Even so, Ozil continued to live her days normally.

Starting the experience of football with school friends, Ozil's ability to increase. He played soccer all the time, even when it was raining and snowing he was still enthusiastic to hone his skills. The habit he continued to do often over time.

Until one day when he entered adolescence, the head of the school said that he was crazy about football like an autistic person, to his bed he was always accompanied by his favorite ball.

Behind all that, many people who like the ability to play football. When he was in class, Ozil also often peeked at the Schalke Stadium from the window, he dreamed of being able to play at the club.

Besides being known as a teenager who likes to play ball in his school first, Ozil also has a talent in playing chess. Please note, Ozil entered the school chess team. The ability of his brain in playing chess he applied correctly on the gridiron. Therefore, Ozil is often dubbed as a smart soccer player. Mature bait and precise accuracy become Ozil's mainstay skill to process the round skin.

Impressive appearance makes Ozil ogled by many parties. Right in 2005, he officially joined his childhood dream team, Schalke. Ozil played for Schalke a season before finally being promoted to the senior team in 2006.

Playing with Schalke for approximately three years, Ozil decided to move to the Werder Bremen club on January 31, 2008. At this club the player who is paid 84 billion rupiah per year is increasingly proving himself as a potential player.

Because considered a miracle teenager, Ozil entered the German Under-17 national team in September 2006. Playing in the national team also continued with his election as a U-21 player in 2007.

When Germany faced England in the U21 final, Mesut Ozil was named Man of the Match. At that time, Germany managed to bend England with a score of 4-0. This achievement certainly brought him to a higher level, namely playing with the German senior national team.

His neat game at the 2010 World Cup entered the radar of Jose Mourinho. The coach who was born on January 26, 1963 became a manager for Real Madrid in the period 2010 to 2013.

The invitation to play at Real Madrid was welcomed by Ozil. Incidentally, he also has the desire to play at the Santiago Bernabeu. Especially with Jose Mourinho adding to his motivation for playing at a Spanish club.

That way, Ozil also moved from Werder Bremen to Real Madrid with a transfer value of 15 million euros or around 254 billion rupiah. Together with Madrid, Ozil carved a number of achievements. For example, bringing Real Madrid to the Copa del Rey trophy in the 2010/11 season, bringing Real Madrid the La Liga championship 2011/12 season, and winning the 2012 Supercopa de Espana trophy.

Extraordinary appearance at Real Madrid he channeled to the German national team. right in the 2014 World Cup, Ozil was able to bring the Panzer Team to become world champions for the fourth time.

After seeing Ozil perform at the 2014 World Cup, Arsenal surprisingly brought Mesut Ozil from Real Madrid. The transfer value is estimated at 42.4 million pounds or equivalent to 741 billion rupiah at that time.

But what he achieved at Arsenal was still far different from his achievements at the 2014 World Cup. When he won the 2014 World Cup in Brazil, he actually lacked achievements during playing for Arsenal. With the achievement and inconsistent appearance, Ozil also had reportedly resigned from Arsenal.

Even so, he is still one of the star players who are very worthy of consideration.

Ozil's brilliant career on the gridiron is inversely proportional to his love journey. He repeatedly changed partners. Had a relationship with a woman but broke up in the middle of the road because she did not want to be invited by Ozil to convert to Islam.

The German model to Miss Venezuela was once part of Ozil's love story before he finally found a woman named Mandy Capristo. Even though they broke up, the two agreed to reconnect the love cord. Ozil and Mandy realize that the two need each other.

However, his love story with Mandy Capristo also did not go smoothly. Mesut Ozil's lover is thought to be the trigger for the dismissal of his father as his agent.

After the incident, he broke off his relationship with Mandy Capristo again. As if he fell on a ladder, Ozil was demanded by his father for 495 thousand pounds or 9.5 billion rupiah.

Mustafa's demands are certainly not without reason. He felt disadvantaged Ozil after being fired as an agent. In fact, Mustafa feels he has a great service in every Ozil transfer process. Besides Mustafa also played a big role when Ozil got a big contract from Adidas.

But apparently, Ozil has a different opinion about the dismissal of his father. Investigate a calibaration, the German player was disappointed with his father's decision to divorce his mother.

Ozil immediately appointed his brother, Mutlu, as his agent. And this is what makes Mustafa even more angry. Until now both of them reportedly rarely communicate.

Mesut Ozil's dark journey does not end there. In 2018, Ozil surprisingly resigned from the German National Team. Reportedly, Ozil's decision to resign was because he was involved in a conflict with German citizens.

Ozil was proven to have taken a photo with Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Together with Erdogan who was framed on camera provoked a negative reaction in Germany. Many accuse what Ozil has done is politically charged. Until finally a statement emerged that Ozil was no longer worthy of defending the German national team.

This Arsenal player then did not stay silent with the criticism that came in repeatedly. Until in the end, the decision to withdraw from the German national team was stated as an answer to the reaction in Germany which according to Ozil was discriminatory.

Despite trying to perform well until Germany won the 2014 World Cup, Ozil felt there was discriminatory treatment.

In fact, Mesut Ozil even revealed his guts if the German national team won, he was hailed as a German. Meanwhile, when Germany lost, this was due to him who was an immigrant.

Although now living without the guidance of his father and racist treatment in his own country, Ozil remains a devout Muslim. He often reads the Qur'an before the game begins.

In fact, Ozil reads the Qur'an so often, he even makes Cristiano Ronaldo memorize hijaiyah letters in Al-Fatihah. This was justified by Ozil who claimed that Ronaldo often accompanied him to recite and worship.

Not satisfied with just that, Ronaldo even reportedly often asked him about some of the contents of the Koran letters and tried to memorize them in his spare time. The 34-year-old player claimed peace and his heart became at peace when he heard he was reciting.

His personality as a true Muslim is also shown when he is outside the field. Ozil often does charity work. In 2016, he visited a refugee camp in Jordan. He treats children displaced by the ongoing Syrian war. In addition to money, Ozil also distributes ball costumes to children who are in disaster.

Because he remained enthusiastic and faced life according to God's rules, Ozil finally officially got a true idol.

Mesut Ozil finally officially let go of the single period. His wedding party was held at a luxury hotel on the edge of the Bosphorus strait, Istanbul. On that occasion, the President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, was also present with his wife, Emine. They took a picture together with international clothing.

Ozil marries his fiancée, a former Turkish miss, Amine Gulse. They have been dating since 2017 and announced an engagement in June 2018.

Being officially a married couple, Mesut Ozil and Amine Gulse expressed their gratitude by showing their generosity after promising to pay for the operation of 1,000 children in need.

Ozil also asked the invitees who attended his wedding not to bring gifts. However, he and Amine invited to donate through a charity program, BigShoe.

BigShoe is a network of sports fans who help children around the world undergo surgery. The program is usually aimed at children who come from developing countries and lack medical staff and medicine.

Noted, Ozil has been involved in the charity project for five years. For five years, Ozil participated in operations in 2016 in Africa and in 2018 in Russia. However, he has a desire to help more children in the world.

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